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The Magic Square


Today's Snack: Make two pieces of checkerboard bread! Take two different colored pieces of bread, such as whole-wheat white, and pumpernickel. Cut each into nine pieces - three vertical slices, cut into three squares. Now remove every other square, and replace so that instead of two solid-colored pieces of bread, you have two checkerboards. Add some meat or cheese, and wash down with a half-glass of white milk and a half-glass of chocolate milk!





Print out this diagram | Pencil (with eraser!) | Cover up the answer, below


            Place the numbers 1 through 9 in the squares of this diagram so that no two rows, columns or diagonals add up to the same number.


















(Answer: Top row - 5,2,7; Middle row: 1, 6, 8; Bottom row: 4,3,9)


By Susan Darst Williams • www.AfterSchoolTreats.com • Math © 2010

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