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Time and Money:

Paper Plate Clocks


Today's Snack: "Rock around the clock" with raisins. Position raisins around the numbers on an imaginary clock on a dinner plate, and then eat. Put one raisin where the "1" would be on a clock. Put two raisins where the "2" would be - on up to the 12 raisins you will pile at the "12" position. How many raisins did you use, altogether? That's 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12! Take your time solving the problem while you eat all those raisins, and enjoy a glass of fruit juice, too.





White paper plate | crayons, markers or paint | construction paper

Cardstock paper in a contrasting color, such as bright yellow

Number stickers (1-12) or a thick marker pen | pencil

Paper brad fastener | glue stick | scissors



Either paint the back of the paper plate, the "clock face," or leave it white.


Cut 12 small squares about one inch in length from construction paper. Place the stickers for the numbers 1 - 12 on the squares, or write them with a marker. Glue the squares in place around the bottom side of the paper plate.


On a piece of cardstock paper in a contrasting color, draw two clock hands shaped like arrows. One should be a little smaller than the other. Make sure the clock hands will neither be too short nor too long for your "clock face" on the paper plate. Cut them out.


Poke small holes in the ends of each clock hand with an ice pick, craft knife or x-acto knife. Then thread the pointed ends of the paper brad through the clock hands, and then through the center of the paper plate clock face. The paper brad should be loose enough so that the clock hands can rotate easily.


Now let's tell time! Children can see how the hands on the clock move and understand that the numbers on the clock represent a time of day.


If you'd like, cut pictures from old magazines or catalogs, or download photos from online, and let the children match these pictures to the different times of day in which they would happen: breakfast, lunch, dinner, play time, soccer practice, story time at the library, etc.


 They can quiz each other by saying a time of day, and then showing what the clock hands look like at that time.


By Susan Darst Williams • • Math © 2010

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