Probability &
Dice and Coins
Today's Snack: Today's math activity deals with dice, which are
cubes, and carrot "coins," so let's eat treats to match. With adult supervision and a sharp knife, cut jicama (a white
vegetable) into cubes, and carrots into coins; dip both in a tasty dip made of
mixing a little dry onion soup mix and sour cream.
3 dice | 1 coin | scratch paper and pencil
are three questions that will help you understand probability - the mathematical
basis for much of what goes on in our society in the realms of government,
politics, insurance, gambling, and much, much more.
math to answer the three questions. Then record 100 tries for each problem. Go
back through your recorded outcomes and see how close your answer using just
math compares to your answer of actually doing the action.
answers below.
(1) How many possible outcomes are there when you roll
three dice?
(2) What's the probability of getting heads twice in a
row in a coin flip?
(3) What's the probability of getting five straight coin
flips with heads?
Answers to probability questions: (1) 216 = 6 x 6 x 6),
(2) 1:4 (heads-heads, heads-tails, tails-heads, tails-tails), and (3)1:32 (1 x
2 x 2 x 2 x 2)