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K-2 Math:

Number Hunt


Today's Snack: For energy during your Number Hunt, take along a snack-size zip-lock bag full of granola mix:

            4 C. uncooked oats

            ½ C. coconut

            ½ C. whole almonds or sunflower kernels

            ½ C. bran or grapenuts

            ¼ C. butter or margarine

            ¼ C. honey

            ½ C. raisins or dates

            Mix the first four ingredients. Melt butter and honey and stir into dry ingredients. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet. Bake at 300 degrees, stirring often, for 20 minutes. Cool. Add raisins and stir gently. Store in airtight jar or containers. Makes 12 servings.





Pieces of paper on a clipboard, or notebooks | pencils



Divide into partners or teams. Number a sheet of paper from 0 to 10. The object of the Number Hunt is to look around your home, yard, school or after-school program area, and find something that has one of the numbers from 0 to 10 in it. List what you found with that number in it on the paper, along with the number itself.


For example, if you found a 0 on a license plate, then on the paper where you wrote the 0 put "license plate - RFD 062"


Look for numbers on street signs, mailboxes, clocks, cereal boxes, receipts, letters, calendars, food package labels, and anywhere else! You must find each number on a different object - can't use the same one twice.


The first partners or team to finish all 10 wins the Number Hunt!


            This really helps young children realize how numbers are all around us, and of endless use in keeping track of just about everything you can think of.








By Susan Darst Williams • • Math © 2010

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